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1. Street kaiserpanorama shows what Gdansk looked like 120 years ago
A kaiserpanorama was set up on the Olowianka island in Gdansk. Archive images, which have never been published before, witness the city change from mid-19th century through 1970s. The collection will ...
2. The gems of Gdansk
...Gdańsk Tourist Organisation Trip planner Add to trip planner A wooden frieze with gilded-winged cherubs, town councillors’ benches bedecked with intricate intarsia, a sandstone fireplace with polychro...
3. A Polish vaccine against diabetes
...Gdańsk (Gdański Uniwersytet Medyczny, GUMed) prolong the remission period in type 1 diabetes patients, it also helps avoid dangerous complications connected to eyesight or the kidneys. The success of ...
4. Following the Amber Road
It can be golden, brown, reddish or even white, transparent and opaque. Amber also often contains plants, insects, grains of sand and air bubbles, making it truly unique. Each nugget is one of a kind....
5. Welcome to a virtual open-air museum of shipwrecks
...Gdańsk" has been designated as a new branch of the National Maritime Museum (NMM) in Gdańsk. The recently opened interactive exhibition allows visitors to take a virtual tour of the seabed, for exampl...