
Street kaiserpanorama shows what Gdansk looked like 120 years ago

A kaiserpanorama was set up on the Olowianka island in Gdansk. Archive images, which have never been published before, witness the city change from mid-19th century through 1970s. The collection will be on show until 4 November.

Street kaiserpanorama in Gdansk A stylish kaiserpanorama stands next to the National Maritime Museum on the Olowianka island. Fifty unique photographs display the daily life of the city’s inhabitants, its architecture, panorama and the passing of time. The collection is made up of the oldest photos of Gdansk available, scenes from the inter-war period, as well as views by Marian Ryś-Dobrzykowski and Marek Zarzecki, post-war photographers of Gdansk. Images showing the war damage are also displayed to mark the 80th anniversary of the outbreak of the Second World War. All photographs are presented in five galleries using the 3D and 2D technology.


Until now, most of them were only available at the premises of the State Archive in Gdansk which co-founded the kaiserpanorama together with the National Digital Archives. The project marks the centenary of Poland’s regained independence. The “Archival Kaiserpanorama” has already toured Warsaw, Zamosc, Cracow and Koszalin.

