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1. Success of Polish doctors – patient with severed spinal cord walks again
“This surgery was performed entirely with our own methods”, says the head of the team of doctors who, for the first time in the history of medicine, recreated the severed spinal cord. “Our British col...
2. Glucose testing without the finger-prick
A Polish glucose meter that tests blood sugar without the finger-prick has the potential to become a global hit. iSULIN is worn on the forearm almost like any other ordinary telemetric band. But this ...
3. The rehabilitation robot
Depending on the ailment, it either facilitates movement or gradually increases difficulty, while reading signals from the muscles. A Polish engineer was showered with awards for this innovation. “At ...
4. Wroclaw physician voted Europe’s best young cardiac surgeon
His research could be a game-changer in the prevention of aortic aneurysm. The 31-year-old Dr Tomasz Płonek was voted Europe’s best young cardiac surgeon in 2016. The doctor from the Heart Surgery Tea...
5. Polish product of the future
...medicine will contribute to a more effective cancer therapy. ItraPol and Lutapol isotope preparations used for production of drugs in cancer treatment were awarded at the end of 2014 in the annual com...