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1. Mountains as flat as a table
...mountains with plated structure, which are rare in Europe, are built of horizontal joint sandstones. The Stołowe Mountains owe their name to the fact that they resemble a flat table. Located in the Su...
2. Narew National Park
In the Narew National Park, one can stand on the bank of ‘the Polish Amazon’, namely the Narew River. Its greatest asset is the broad valley abounding with natural treasures. See also: Narew National ...
3. Gorce National Park
...mountains. The shelter is located next to a junction of the region's most important tourist paths. From Turbacz one can set out along seven different mountain ridges running in all directions, includi...
4. Magura National Park
The Magura National Park features fancifully sculpted rocks. The huge Devil's Rock wrapped in mystery is the most prominent among these rock formations. See also: Magura National Park's official websi...
5. Pieniny National Park
...mountains to climb and medieval castles to visit. https://www.flickr.com/photos/polandmfa/sets/72157627575393914 See also: Pieniny National Park's official website Poland for older people Trip planner...