6th edition of European Labour Mobility Congress
European Labour Mobility Congress is the largest and most important cyclical event in Europe dedicated to the posting of workers as part of the provision of services.
The key idea of the event is to create a friendly space for meeting people from the business, science, public administration and politics, which allows to acquire practical knowledge, necessary to adapt to the changing environment. This year, extraordinary attractions will be waiting for the participants, among them Experts' Village and Citizens' Dialogue with Elżbieta Bieńkowska – EU Commissioner for Internal Market, Industry, Enterpreneurship and SMEs. Jadwiga Emilewicz, Minister of Entrepreneurship and Technology, will be also among dozens of speakers.
The leitmotiv of this year's edition is the slogan: New Posting Rules. Problems solved? Fairness guaranteed?. At threshold of the new regulation we ask the question: what the consequences of their implementation and are the fair to all parties and member states?
During the first day of the Congress we will discuss about the future of the posting of workers and the freedom to provide services. We will ask about about protection of local labour markets in particular countries, about ‘social dumping’ and is the competition of the Eastern European countries is really unfair? Even though posting of workers in the framework of the freedom to provide services in the EU is a rare example of win – win economic solutions, public opinion in the host countries often blames posting of workers for many economic and social problems, like social dumping, local unemployment, lowering social standards or even assassination of a built through the years social model.
We will discuss on the follow issues: are posted workers and the freedom to provide services the source of problems? Or maybe it is a way of solving them, increasing competitiveness, bridging the earnings gap between low wage and high wage member states, preventing the social systems of host countries and allowing consumers to access the goods that are not produced by local companies?
The second day will be more practical as it will be dedicated to employers, who will be able to take part in workshops led by the best lawyers from Poland, Germany, Belgium and France specializing in the posting of workers. Participants will receive specific knowledge on the applicable law, its correct interpretation and current guidelines followed by the institutions responsible for enforcing regulations regarding the posting of workers. They will receive also answers to their questions and solutions to specific problems given, that are not available anywhere else. The practical workshops will be mainly based on examples, analyse of rules and judical decisions.
Its main organizer is Labour Mobility Initative, while the co-organizers of this year's edition are Ministry of Enterprise and Technology , Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Commission. The Host City of the event is Krakow.
Source: ELMC